Kim Thomas Psychotherapy & Counselling

Face to Face & Online Appointments

The Human Givens Approach

The Human Givens approach

Human givens, derives from the understanding that, when essential emotional needs are met and our innate mental resources are used correctly, a human being will be emotionally and mentally healthy. It is when emotional needs are not adequately met, or are unintentionally misused, that undesirable mental states such as; anxietyangerdepressionaddiction and psychosis develop. For instance, misuse of the imagination – to conjure up the worst possible or threatening scenarios – is a common feature of all these states.

 What makes the human givens approach different from other therapy approaches is that it looks to see what is missing, or being misused, in clients’ lives, with the aim of helping them find ways to better meet their needs.

For instance, someone who is bereaved may seek to mask their sadness through drinking, and then try to mask the drinking by withdrawing from activities and friendships, resulting in depression.  While the symptoms of depression in such scenarios are important as guides, it is the learning of coping skills and making specific life changes that will shift the depression.In  changing unhelpful thinking styles (cognitive) this will be just one part of a holistic process that involves, explaining the experience of anxiety and depression in a way that normalises it and takes the fear out of it –  helping clients take a different perspective on their situation (through the use of reframing, metaphor and storytelling

I offer practical help that deals with emotional distress in the here and now.

  • Reduce anxiety — generalised anxiety, panic attacks, fears, phobias, obsessions (OCD), lack of confidence or overwhelming stress and pressure can be treated effectively.
  • break the cycle of depression —  chronic depression can often be lifted quickly and the meaning and joy returned to life.
  • Resolve trauma — dissolve the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), however severe, safely and quickly.
  • Manage anger — anger disorders damage health and relationships, it can cause enormous misery among relatives, colleagues and innocent bystanders.
  • helping People be free from addiction - alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, TV and computer games, eating disorders - providing they want to make the effort to stop.
  • Improve relationships — relationship difficulties are often self-perpetuating because our beliefs and reactions to one another trigger patterns of behaviour which stop us solving them. 


When our emotional needs are not met, or when our resources are used incorrectly, we suffer considerable distress and so can those around us. For more information on how a Human Givens Therapy session can help you contact Kim Thomas at A New You. 

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